☄ī¸Complete Your Community Profile

Complete your community profile to be visible on the public page.

To make your community visible to the public:

  1. Input your official community email address.

  2. Create a great description about your community.

  3. Connect it to your official Website, Telegram, Discord or X/Twitter account.

*Provided either through Discord, Twitter, Telegram, or a website URL.

Fill in the community description. Provide the website URL. You can choose to include links to your Telegram, Discord, or X (Twitter) account. Double-check everything and make sure you entered it correctly.

  1. 'Save Changes'. (Don't forget save any changes after input or edit)

  1. After saving changes, Verify your community email.

Open your email to find the OTP code that has been sent to your email.

Input the OTP code and click 'Verify'.

Last updated